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Financial Protection through affordable health insurance that pays you!


To deliver the best value in the entire insurance industry, by making a significant difference for the businesses we partner with and their employees. We aim to complete our mission providing alternative affordable health insurance, financial protection, and delivering the best personal service possible.


  1. We Deliver on Our Promises 
  2. We are a personal representative to our partners and their employees.
  3. When you deal with us, you deal with us. We will never send anyone to a 1-800 #
  4. We do not push policies on anyone, we take a needs based approach in every conversation.
  5. We file all claims and act as a personal secretary for all of our policyholders. 
  6. We deliver treats to our clients on the majority of our visits to the businesses.
  7. We never fail to give sincere appreciation to all employees of the businesses we partner with. 
  8. We are passionate about getting our policyholders paid as quickly as possible during claim time. 
  9. Our operation is based on service, not selling. We let our service model do the talking. 
  10. We have a great sense of urgency, in taking care of business for our policyholders.
  11. We work for our partners employees, whatever they need, we are there to serve them. 
  12. Our goal in service is to create the best possible experience for our partners employees. 

Open Enrollment

We provide affordable health insurance, supplemental benefits that protect families from spending their hard earned income on out of pocket medical bills like deductibles, co-insurance, and co-pays.


Through December 31st, we will be hosting an open enrollment for any individual seeking coverage that helps with expenses regular health insurance doesn’t cover.

You may sign up by scheduling an appointment with us at the link below:

Our Services

Book an appointment with our professional staff to learn more about our financial protection options available to you.

Get In Touch

910 South Treadaway Boulevard, Abilene, TX, USA

1214 CR 750, OFFICE, McCaulley, TX, USA

1200 SE 4th Street, Knox City, TX, USA

Tylynne Eaton: 940-256-2896

CA Logsdon - 940-256-0134

Knox City Office - 940-657-5044

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